Arthur J. Gallagher and remote work

Does Arthur J. Gallagher allow remote work?

The recent spate of articles about remote work has led to some interesting discussion on social media, so I thought I’d take a look at the Arthur J. Gallagher’s position on remote work.

I’m not going to go into too much detail about remote work, as there are plenty of other sources for that, but I thought I’d highlight some of the more interesting things I’ve seen in the Arthur J. Gallagher’s HR policy.
The HR Policy
Arthur J. Gallagher’s HR policy states that it does not permit the remote work of its employees.
This is a company policy and not a legal requirement, but I’m sure that most of the companies that have a remote work policy will have a similar one.
The policy does not state that it is against remote work, but that it is against remote work by employees.
It does not define what “employee” is, but I’d assume that it means full-time employees, as it does not appear to cover contractors or freelancers.
The policy also states that Arthur J. Gallagher does not permit the remote work of its contractors.
The policy does not define what “contractor” is, but I’d assume that it means independent contractors, as it does not appear to cover employees.

Does Arthur J. Gallagher offers remote jobs?

If so, you should check out the job postings here.

A few weeks ago, I got a call from a woman who had a serious problem. She had been laid off from her job and was looking for a new one. She was in her mid-40s, had a degree, was a good communicator, and had a lot of experience. She was also looking for a job that would allow her to continue to work from home.
The problem was that she had been laid off from a job that had a remote component. She was a salesperson who sold real estate and had been working from home for the last four years. When the company was sold, her job was eliminated and she was laid off. She was looking for a job that would allow her to continue to work from home.
I was a bit surprised that she was looking for a job that would allow her to continue to work from home, because I thought that most people would prefer to have a job that didn’t require them to be in the office every day. However, she had been working from home for four years, and was happy with the arrangement. She liked being able to take care of her family and get some work done at the same time.
She also liked the fact that she could work from home at least part of the time.