Work in Namibia for a corporation based in Lithuania

Can I live in Namibia and work remotely for a company in Lithuania?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. Do you have a valid visa for Namibia?
  2. Do you have a valid visa for Lithuania?
  3. Do you have a valid visa for the EU?
  4. Do you have a valid visa for the Schengen Area?
  5. Do you have a valid visa for the United States?
  6. Do you have a valid visa for Canada?
  7. Do you have a valid visa for Australia?
  8. Do you have a valid visa for New Zealand?
  9. Do you have a valid visa for South Africa?
  10. Do you have a valid visa for Russia?
  11. Do you have a valid visa for China?
  12. Do you have a valid visa for India?
  13. Do you have a valid visa for the United Arab Emirates?
  14. Do you have a valid visa for Singapore?
  15. Do you have a valid visa for Japan?
  16. Do you have a valid visa for Korea?
  17. Do you have a valid visa for Taiwan?
  18. Do you have a valid visa for Hong Kong?
  19. Do you have a valid visa for Macau?
  20. Do you have a valid visa for the United Kingdom?
  21. Do you have a valid visa for Ireland?
  22. Do you have a valid visa for Germany?

How to find remote work in Lithuania while living in Namibia?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Lithuania even though you are located in Namibia. For that we need to set up a business in Lithuania and apply for the Lithuanian work permit. You will need to be in Lithuania for at least 3 months.

How to find remote work in Lithuania?
There are a few ways to find remote jobs in Lithuania. You can apply for a job in Lithuania on a website. Or you can look for a job in Lithuania through your local network. You can find local Lithuanian companies in Lithuania that are looking for remote workers.
We are going to focus on the last option. Finding remote work in Lithuania through your local network.
Local Lithuanian companies looking for remote workers
If you are looking for a job in Lithuania, you can find local Lithuanian companies that are looking for remote workers. You can find them through social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and so on.
When you are looking for a job in Lithuania through your local network, you need to be careful about the type of job you are looking for. You need to be sure that the job is something that you are interested in.
It is very important that you find the right job for you. You need to be careful about the type of work that you are applying for.

What is the best way to find a job in Lithuania through your local network?
There are a few ways to find a job in Lithuania through your local network.

How to get paid in Namibia when working remotely for a corporation in Lithuania?

You can get paid in Namibia even if you are working for a company in Lithuania, however , you can only get paid in Namibia if you are a Namibian citizen.

I am a Lithuanian citizen and I am currently working for a company in Lithuania. I am not a Namibian citizen.
Can I get paid in Namibia?
It is possible for a Lithuanian citizen to work remotely for a company in Namibia and get paid in Namibia.
However, you need to be a Namibian citizen in order to get paid in Namibia.
You can get paid in Namibia even if you are working for a company in Lithuania, however, you can only get paid in Namibia if you are a Namibian citizen.

How do taxes work in Namibia if I’m working remotely for a company Namibia?

When working remotely in Namibia for a firm based in Lithuania, taxes might be tricky, therefore you need to know about the tax laws in Namibia.

Namibia is a country in Southern Africa with a population of 2.5 million people. The country is located on the Atlantic Ocean and has a coastline of 8,000 kilometers. Namibia is a landlocked country and has a desert climate. The country is bordered by Angola, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The country is divided into three regions: the north, the central, and the south. The capital of Namibia is Windhoek. The country’s official language is English.
The country is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and the Southern African Development Community. Namibia is also a member of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.
The country’s economy is heavily dependent on mining, agriculture, and tourism.
Namibia is a member of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Namibia has a tax system that is based on the following three principles:

  1. Taxation is based on the principle of progressive taxation.
  2. The tax system is designed to achieve a balance between the needs of the state and the needs of the people.
  3. The tax system is designed to ensure that the tax burden is shared fairly between the various segments of the population.
    The following table shows the different taxes that apply to individuals, companies, and other entities.