Live in Jamaica while having a job in Gambia

Can I work remotely in Jamaica for a company in Gambia?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. If you have a passport from a country where you are not a citizen, you will have to apply for a visa to Jamaica.
  2. You will need a visa to work in Jamaica.
  3. You will need to apply for a work permit.
  4. You will need to provide evidence of the following:
    a. A medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner that you are fit to work
    b. A police certificate that you are not a criminal
    c. A letter from your employer in Gambia that they will provide you with a salary and benefits
    d. A letter from your employer in Jamaica that you will be working for them.
  5. You will need to register with the relevant authorities in Jamaica.
  6. You will need to pay the appropriate taxes in Jamaica.
  7. You will need to pay for the cost of your travel to Jamaica.

How can I find a remote job in Gambia while living in Jamaica?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Gambia even if you are located in Jamaica, for that we need to consider the following things.

What to do if you are looking for a remote job in Gambia?
So you want to work from home, and you want to live in Jamaica, and you want to work from Gambia.
How can you do that?
You need to understand the laws in Gambia, because the laws in Gambia are different than the laws in Jamaica.
The first thing that you need to know is that if you are living in Jamaica, and you are looking for a remote job in Gambia, and you want to work from Gambia, then you have to understand that you can’t just work from Jamaica.
You have to understand that if you are living in Jamaica, and you are looking for a remote job in Gambia, then you will need to get a work permit from the Gambia government.
You will need to apply for a work permit from the Gambia government, and once you get the work permit, then you can work from Jamaica, and you can work from Gambia.
But there is one problem with that. The problem is that if you are living in Jamaica, and you are looking for a remote job in Gambia, then you will need to be a permanent resident in Jamaica.
So if you are not a permanent resident in Jamaica, then you will need to apply for a work permit.

How can I get paid in Jamaica when working remotely for a company in Gambia?

It is possible to get paid in Jamaica while working for a company in Gambia but it is not as easy as it sounds.

You may be wondering if you can get paid in Jamaica when working remotely for a company in Gambia. The answer is yes.
However, it is not as easy as it sounds.
If you are a freelancer working from home, you can get paid in Jamaica.
You can get paid in Jamaica while working for a company in Gambia.
This is possible because the company you work for has a subsidiary in Jamaica.
The company has a subsidiary in Jamaica and you can get paid in Jamaica.
The company has a subsidiary in Jamaica.

Will I pay taxes in Jamaica or Gambia when working remotely in Jamaica?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Jamaica for a corporation in Gambia, so it is important to understand the tax implications before you begin.

Working in Jamaica
Jamaica is a British Overseas Territory, which means that it is part of the United Kingdom. This means that the UK’s tax laws apply to Jamaican workers.
The UK has a progressive tax system, which means that the tax rate increases as income increases. The rate of tax in Jamaica is 20% for the first $25,000 of income, and then increases to 33% for the next $25,000 of income.
If you are working in Jamaica, you will be required to pay taxes in Jamaica. If you are working in Jamaica for a corporation in Gambia, you will be required to pay taxes in Jamaica.
Working in Gambia
Gambia is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). This means that Gambia has a common tax system with its members.
The common tax system means that the tax rate is the same for all workers in Gambia, regardless of the country in which they are working. The tax rate in Gambia is 25% for the first $25,000 of income, and then increases to 33% for the next $25,000 of income.
If you are working in Gambia, you will be required to pay taxes in Gambia.