Live in Nepal while having a job in Pakistan

Can I work remotely in Nepal for a company in Pakistan?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. You will need to have a valid passport to enter Nepal.
  2. You will need to have a valid visa to enter Pakistan.
  3. You will need to have a valid work permit to work in Pakistan.

How can I find a remote job in Pakistan while living in Nepal?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Pakistan even if you are located in Nepal, for that we have a list of top 10 best places to find remote jobs in Pakistan.

If you are a young professional who is looking for a job, then you should know that it is not that easy to find a job in Pakistan. The competition is very high and there are many other people who are also looking for a job.
The following are some of the top places where you can find a job in Pakistan:

  1. United States
    The United States is one of the best countries to find a job. There are many companies that are based in the United States and they are always looking for talented people.
  2. Australia
    Australia is one of the best countries to find a job. There are many companies that are based in Australia and they are always looking for talented people.
  3. Canada
    Canada is one of the best countries to find a job. There are many companies that are based in Canada and they are always looking for talented people.
  4. New Zealand
    New Zealand is one of the best countries to find a job. There are many companies that are based in New Zealand and they are always looking for talented people.
  5. United Kingdom
    The United Kingdom is one of the best countries to find a job. There are many companies that are based in the United Kingdom and they are always looking for talented people.
  6. India

How can I get paid in Nepal when working remotely for a company in Pakistan?

It is possible to get paid in Nepal while working for a company in Pakistan but you need to be careful.

If you’re working remotely for a company in Pakistan, it’s possible that you might not be able to get paid in Nepal. It’s not uncommon for a company to ask its employees to work remotely. Many companies are moving to remote working due to the coronavirus pandemic.
While working remotely, you might not get paid in Nepal. If you’re working remotely for a company in Pakistan, it’s possible that you might not get paid in Nepal.
This is because most of the remuneration that you get from your employer is sent to Pakistan. It’s common for a company to send its employees’ salaries to Pakistan. The employer can send the salary to Pakistan because it has a strong network of offices there.
However, if you’re working remotely for a company in Pakistan, it’s possible that you might not be able to get paid in Nepal.

Will I pay taxes in Nepal or Pakistan when working remotely in Nepal?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Nepal for a corporation in Pakistan, so it’s important to know the rules.

In Nepal, taxes are paid by the employer and are usually deducted from the employee’s pay.
In Pakistan, taxes are paid by the employee and are usually deducted from the employee’s pay.

What if I live in Nepal and work in Pakistan?
If you live in Nepal and work in Pakistan, you will pay taxes in both countries.
If you live in Nepal and work in Nepal, you will pay taxes in both countries.