Living in Kyrgyzstan while working in Slovakia

Can I work remotely for a company in Slovakia while being in Kyrgyzstan?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. The company has a physical office in Slovakia.
  2. The company has a physical office in Kyrgyzstan.
  3. The company is not a B2B company.
  4. The company is not a B2C company.

How to live in Kyrgyzstan and find remote work in Slovakia?

Finding remote work in Slovakia if you are located in Kyrgyzstan might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to look for remote work in Slovakia instead.

The main reason for that is that it is much easier to find remote work in Slovakia if you are located in Kyrgyzstan. The second reason is that the cost of living in Slovakia is much lower than in Kyrgyzstan.
In this article, we will show you how to find remote work in Slovakia. We will show you the most popular remote work websites and remote work forums and how to use them.

How to find remote work in Slovakia?
First of all, you should know that the main reason for finding remote work in Slovakia is that the cost of living in Slovakia is much lower than in Kyrgyzstan.
In Kyrgyzstan, the cost of living is very high. The average monthly salary in Kyrgyzstan is $750. In Slovakia, the cost of living is much lower. The average monthly salary in Slovakia is $2,500.
However, the cost of living in Slovakia is much higher than in Kyrgyzstan. In Slovakia, the cost of living is around $4,000 per month. In Kyrgyzstan, the cost of living is around $750 per month.
Therefore, if you are located in Kyrgyzstan and want to find remote work in Slovakia, you should know that the cost of living in Slovakia is much lower than in Kyrgyzstan.

How a company in Slovakia can send my salary in Kyrgyzstan?

When working remotely for a corporation in Slovakia, you salary can be send to Kyrgyzstan but it has to be done through a third party company.

The most common way is to send it through a bank in Slovakia. The bank will then send the money to the third party company in Kyrgyzstan and from there it will be sent to your bank account in Kyrgyzstan.
The bank will charge a fee for this service but it’s cheaper than the international transfer fees.
For example, a transfer from Slovakia to Kyrgyzstan through the bank in Slovakia will cost about $20. The same transfer through a third party company will cost about $25.
The third party company will charge about $15 to send the money from Slovakia to Kyrgyzstan.
When you are working remotely for a company in Slovakia, you can have a bank account in Kyrgyzstan and the company will be able to send your salary to that bank account.
This way you don’t have to pay any fees and the company will have more control over the process.
However, the company will need to be able to send the money to Kyrgyzstan.
This can be done through the third party company in Kyrgyzstan but it will cost the company about $15.
When you are working remotely for a company in Slovakia, your company will be able to send your salary in Kyrgyzstan but you will have to pay a fee for this service.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a company in Slovakia?

If you are working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a corporation established in Slovakia, taxes could seem complicated but in fact , it is not. The only thing you need to know is where you should pay your taxes in Kyrgyzstan.

In the case of a foreign worker, the employer is responsible for paying the taxes. However, in the case of a non-resident, it is the employee who is responsible for paying the taxes. If you are working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a corporation established in Slovakia, you need to know where you should pay your taxes.
Taxes are paid in two ways:
– Either through the employer, who is responsible for paying taxes.
– Or, in the case of a non-resident, the employee is responsible for paying taxes.
The rules for paying taxes in Kyrgyzstan are different than in Slovakia. Therefore, if you are working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a corporation established in Slovakia, you need to know where you should pay your taxes.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a company in Slovakia?
In Slovakia, the employer is responsible for paying taxes.
In Kyrgyzstan, the employer is responsible for paying taxes.