Working in Kyrgyzstan for a corporation in Greece

Can I work remotely for a company in Greece while being in Kyrgyzstan?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. Check if you can work remotely at all.
  2. Check if your company has a remote policy.
  3. Check if you can work remotely from Greece.
  4. Check if you can work remotely from Kyrgyzstan.
  5. Check if your company will pay you for your travel expenses.

If you can work remotely for your company, you will have to decide whether you will work from Greece or Kyrgyzstan. If you decide to work from Kyrgyzstan, you will have to make sure that your company will pay you for your travel expenses.
If you decide to work from Greece, you will have to make sure that your company will pay you for your travel expenses.

How to live in Kyrgyzstan and find remote work in Greece?

Finding remote work in Greece if you are located in Kyrgyzstan might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to check out the list of remote work companies in Greece.

Best remote work companies in Greece
Here is the list of remote work companies in Greece.
You can find remote work companies in Greece by searching for them in the Google search engine.
Remote work companies in Greece

  1. In-Sight
    In-Sight is a remote work company located in Athens, Greece.
    In-Sight is an online marketplace for remote work.
    In-Sight has been established in 2015.
    In-Sight offers remote work to people located in different countries.
    In-Sight is a marketplace for remote work.
  2. CoderLift
    CoderLift is a remote work company located in Athens, Greece.
  3. Workism
    Workism is a remote work company located in Athens, Greece.

How a company in Greece can send my salary in Kyrgyzstan?

When working remotely for a corporation in Greece, you salary can be send to Kyrgyzstan but I am not sure what are the benefits and drawbacks of such a move.

I’m not sure what are the benefits and drawbacks of such a move.
You can work from anywhere.
You can work from home.
You can work when you want.
You can work on your own terms.
You may not be able to work when you want.
If you’re going to work for a company in Greece, you’ll have to work for them. They may not be able to pay you to work for them if you don’t work for them.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a company in Greece?

If you are working remotely in Kyrgyzstan for a corporation established in Greece, taxes could seem complicated but in fact , there are many different options.

If you are living and working in Kyrgyzstan, there are several things to consider when filing your taxes. You can choose to be a resident or non-resident. You also have the choice to file your taxes through an agent or self-file. This is especially important if you are filing as a non-resident. If you are a non-resident, you may need to choose between filing your taxes through an agent or self-filing.
If you are filing your taxes as a non-resident, you need to determine which option will be the most beneficial for you. Let’s discuss the different options for filing taxes as a non-resident.
Filing taxes as a non-resident
In general, if you are a non-resident, you will file your taxes as a non-resident. If you are a non-resident, you will file your taxes through an agent or self-file. There are two main reasons why you may choose to file your taxes through an agent:
You want to keep your tax return simple. If you are a non-resident, your tax return will be more complicated than if you are a resident. You want to file your taxes quickly. If you are a non-resident, you will need to file your taxes quickly.