Living in Kazakhstan while working in Hungary

Can I work remotely in Kazakhstan for a company in Hungary?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. The working contract between the company in Hungary and the company in Kazakhstan should specify the type of contract and the amount of remuneration.
  2. You should not work more than 45 hours per week.
  3. You should work from the place you live and not from the place where the company is located.
  4. You should be able to speak and understand the Hungarian language.
  5. You should have an office in Hungary.

Can I work remotely in Kazakhstan for a company in Turkey?

  1. The working contract between the company in Turkey and the company in Kazakhstan should specify the type of contract and the amount of remuneration.
  2. You should be able to speak and understand the Turkish language.
  3. You should have an office in Turkey.
    Can I work remotely in Kazakhstan for a company in Ukraine?
  4. The working contract between the company in Ukraine and the company in Kazakhstan should specify the type of contract and the amount of remuneration.

How can I find a remote job in Hungary while living in Kazakhstan?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Hungary even if you are located in Kazakhstan, for that we have a special program that will allow you to find a remote job in Hungary.

If you are a citizen of Kazakhstan, you are eligible to find a remote job in Hungary if you are an expatriate or a migrant.
If you are a citizen of Hungary, you are eligible to find a remote job in Kazakhstan if you are an expatriate or a migrant.

How can I get paid in Kazakhstan when working remotely for a company in Hungary?

It is possible to get paid in Kazakhstan while working for a company in Hungary but you have to be very careful with your tax obligations.

You can find a lot of information about how to get paid in Kazakhstan when working remotely for a company in Hungary on the internet. But you should be very careful with the information you find on the internet.
The information you find on the internet can be incorrect and misleading.
Some of the information you find on the internet can be incorrect or misleading.
You can get paid in Kazakhstan when working for a company in Hungary.
But you have to be very careful with your tax obligations.
If you are working for a company in Hungary and you are a citizen of Kazakhstan, you can get paid in Kazakhstan.
You have to be careful with your tax obligations.
If you are working for a company in Hungary and you are not a citizen of Kazakhstan, you cannot get paid in Kazakhstan.
If you are working for a company in Hungary and you are not a citizen of Kazakhstan, you can get paid in Kazakhstan.

Will I pay taxes in Kazakhstan or Hungary when working remotely in Kazakhstan?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Kazakhstan for a corporation in Hungary, so we’ve created this guide to help you work out your tax situation when you are working from abroad.

Are you planning to work remotely in Kazakhstan and will you be paying taxes in Kazakhstan?
This article will cover the tax situation in Kazakhstan and Hungary, as well as the steps you need to take to work remotely in Kazakhstan and pay taxes in Kazakhstan.
If you are working remotely in Kazakhstan and are not registered as a resident of Kazakhstan, then you will be taxed in Hungary.
If you are working remotely in Kazakhstan and are registered as a resident of Kazakhstan, then you will be taxed in Kazakhstan.
The tax situation in Kazakhstan and Hungary
When working remotely in Kazakhstan for a corporation in Hungary, you will be taxed in Hungary.
If you are a Hungarian resident, you will be taxed in Hungary, as well as in Kazakhstan.
If you are a Kazakh resident, you will be taxed in Kazakhstan, as well as in Hungary.
If you are a non-resident, then you will be taxed in Hungary.
In Kazakhstan, you will be taxed in Kazakhstan if you are registered as a resident.
If you are registered as a non-resident, then you will be taxed in Hungary.
Working remotely in Kazakhstan