Work in Italy for a corporation based in Kyrgyzstan

Can I live in Italy and work remotely for a company in Kyrgyzstan?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. The company you are working for is a registered company in the country where you are applying for the work permit.
  2. You are not a citizen of that country and are not applying for a work permit.
  3. You have a valid visa.

How to find remote work in Kyrgyzstan while living in Italy?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Kyrgyzstan even though you are located in Italy. For that we will need to first of all find a way to get a visa for Kyrgyzstan.

Getting a visa for Kyrgyzstan is not easy and you need to do a lot of research to get the right visa. It is not easy to find a job in Kyrgyzstan without a visa.
But we can still get a job in Kyrgyzstan with a visa. There are many ways to get a visa for Kyrgyzstan.
There are three ways to get a visa for Kyrgyzstan:
Apply for a visa on arrival
If you are living in Italy, it is possible to get a visa for Kyrgyzstan at the border of Italy and Kyrgyzstan. This is called visa on arrival.
This is the easiest way to get a visa for Kyrgyzstan. You can get a visa on arrival for a few days or a few weeks.
The visa on arrival is valid for up to 30 days.
The visa on arrival is the best way to get a visa for Kyrgyzstan.
You can also get a visa for Kyrgyzstan if you have a job offer from a company in Kyrgyzstan.
This is called a working visa.

How to get paid in Italy when working remotely for a corporation in Kyrgyzstan?

You can get paid in Italy even if you are working for a company in Kyrgyzstan, however , you have to be aware of some important differences between the two countries.

The Italian law does not recognize any kind of work contract signed abroad, so if you want to get paid in Italy you have to have a contract with a local company in Italy.
You can also get paid in Italy only if you have a contract with a local company in Italy.
If you want to get paid in Italy, you have to have a contract with a company in Italy.

How do taxes work in Italy if I’m working remotely for a company Italy?

When working remotely in Italy for a firm based in Kyrgyzstan, taxes might be tricky, therefore I’ve been researching the subject.

I’m planning to move to Italy in the next few months. I’m not a citizen yet, but I’m planning to apply for citizenship. I’m working remotely for a company based in Italy. I’m not sure how taxes work in Italy if I’m working remotely for a company.
I’m a citizen of Kyrgyzstan and I’m moving to Italy.