Live in Italy while having a job in Georgia

Can I work remotely for a company in Georgia while being in Italy?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. You will need a visa to be granted to enter the US (and if you are an EU citizen you will need a visa to enter the US).
  2. You will need to get a work permit to be granted in the US.
  3. You will need a green card to be granted in the US.
  4. You will need to have a job offer in the US to be granted the visa.
  5. You will need to get a job offer in Italy to be granted the visa.

You can work remotely from Italy, but you will need to get a work permit first.
I’m a French citizen with a work permit in the UK. Can I work remotely from the UK for a company in Italy? The answer is yes, but it is not that easy.
In order to work remotely, you will need to get a work permit in the UK. This is a very time consuming and expensive process.
The company I want to work for is based in Italy. They are willing to sponsor my work permit in the UK. They are willing to pay for my flights to and from Italy and for my living expenses during my stay in Italy.
I have a job offer in Italy, but I don’t have a job offer in the UK. Can I work remotely from Italy for a company in the UK? I’m afraid not.

How to live in Italy and find remote work in Georgia?

Finding remote work in Georgia if you are located in Italy might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to move to Georgia.

You can find remote work in Georgia if you are located in Italy.
If you are located in Italy, you can find remote work in Georgia.
Georgia is a small country in the south-eastern part of the European Union.
It is one of the EU’s poorest countries.
The country is located on the Black Sea and is surrounded by Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran.
Georgia is a country with a population of 4.5 million people and is located in the south-east of Europe.
Georgia is a small country with a population of 4.5 million people and is located in the south-east of Europe.

How a company in Georgia can send my salary in Italy?

When working remotely for a corporation in Georgia, you salary can be send to Italy but not to the other way around.

As a remote employee, your salary is paid by your employer directly to your bank account. The salary is usually transferred from the employer’s bank account in Georgia to your bank account in Italy. The transfer of the salary to your bank account in Italy is done electronically, usually by an online transfer service.
If you are an employee of a company in Georgia, your salary can be transferred to your bank account in Italy, but not to the other way around.
You can pay for your monthly expenses in Italy, including rent, bills and groceries, using your salary in Georgia.

What happens to my salary if I’m laid off?
If you’re laid off, your salary is usually withheld from your bank account in Italy. It will be paid to you in Georgia within a week or two.
When you’re laid off, you’re no longer an employee of your employer in Georgia. You’re still an employee of your employer in Italy, and you’re paid by your employer in Georgia.
If you’re laid off, you’re no longer entitled to a pension in Georgia. You’re entitled to a pension in Italy, and your employer in Italy will send your pension in Italy to your bank account in Italy.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Italy for a company in Georgia?

If you are working remotely in Italy for a corporation established in Georgia, taxes could seem complicated but in fact they are quite simple.

In this post I will show you how to calculate your taxes in Italy when you are working remotely for a corporation established in Georgia.
I will also show you the Italian tax rules for working in Italy for a corporation established in Georgia.
For the most part, it is a good idea to pay taxes in the country where you are working.
You are not taxed twice on the same income, and you are more likely to be paid in a country’s currency, which you can spend more easily.
But if you are working remotely for a corporation established in Georgia, you are taxed twice, once on your salary and once on your income from your foreign sources.
So you need to pay taxes in Georgia.
How to calculate your taxes in Italy when working remotely for a corporation established in Georgia
You are taxed twice on the same income
The Italian tax rules for working in Italy for a corporation established in Georgia are a little different from the tax rules for working in Italy for yourself.