Work in Germany for a company based in Romania

Can I work remotely in Germany for a company in Romania?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. You will need to have a work permit.
  2. You need to have a German bank account, which is not necessary for a German company.
  3. You will need a German health insurance.
  4. You will need a German VAT ID.
  5. You will need a German residence permit.
  6. You will need a German driving license.
  7. You will need a German passport.
  8. You will need a German salary.
  9. You will need a German phone line.
  10. You will need a German internet connection.
  11. You will need to learn German.

How can I find a remote job in Romania while living in Germany?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Romania even if you are located in Germany, for that we will give you some tips and tricks to help you.

In Romania, a job as a remote worker is not an easy one.
A job in Romania is always on the market and this is the case even if you are a German citizen.
The competition is very tough and the work environment is not always easy.
It’s important to understand how to find a remote job in Romania and how to make the most of your job search.
If you are a German citizen, it’s possible to find a remote job in Romania even if you live in Germany.
You can find a job in Romania even if you are located in Germany.
This is not a problem if you are a German citizen and you are willing to work abroad.
This article will be very useful for you.

How to find a remote job in Romania?
This article is written for people who are located in Germany and want to work abroad.

How can I get paid in Germany when working remotely for a company in Romania?

It is possible to get paid in Germany while working for a company in Romania but it’s not easy.

I am a Romanian citizen living and working in Germany. I am currently employed by a company in Romania.
I am a German citizen and I want to work in Germany. I am currently working remotely for a company in Romania.

Will I pay taxes in Germany or Romania when working remotely in Germany?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Germany for a corporation in Romania, so it’s important to understand your tax obligations.

When working remotely in Germany, you are subject to German tax obligations. However, you are not taxed in Germany if you are a German resident or citizen, or if you have a permanent residence in Germany.
In this article, we will discuss what you need to know about the German tax system, including the types of taxes you may be subject to, and the type of tax that is most relevant to you if you are working remotely in Germany.

What Are the Types of Taxes in Germany?
There are two types of taxes that you may be subject to in Germany:
Personal income tax
Corporate income tax
Personal income tax is the tax you pay on your income. In Germany, this is called “Einkommensteuer”.
Corporate income tax is the tax you pay on the profits of your business. In Germany, this is called “Gewerbesteuer”.
Personal income tax and corporate income tax are both subject to tax at different rates. The personal income tax rate in Germany is currently 21%, while the corporate income tax rate is 19%.
In Germany, there are two types of personal income tax:
Individual income tax
Business income tax
Individual income tax is the tax you pay on your personal income, such as wages, dividends, interest, and capital gains.