Living in France while working in Vietnam

Can I live in France and work remotely for a company in Vietnam?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. Have a contract with your French employer
  2. Have a contract with your Vietnamese employer
  3. Have a contract with the French company you are working for
  4. Have a contract with the Vietnamese company you are working for

What is a French work permit?
A French work permit is a permit given by the French government to people who want to work in France.

Is it possible to work remotely for a company in France?
Yes, it is possible to work remotely for a company in France.

How to find remote work in Vietnam while living in France?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Vietnam even though you are located in France. For that we need to know about the working condition in Vietnam. The country is so small that you can get everything from there.

There are a lot of job portals in Vietnam. You can get jobs in Vietnam with the help of these job portals.
But, you need to know about the working condition in Vietnam before you start applying for the jobs.
The cost of living in Vietnam is cheaper than in most countries in the world. You can save a lot of money if you are living in Vietnam.
The cost of living is cheaper in Vietnam than in many other countries.
You can get jobs in Vietnam and earn a lot of money.
You can earn more money in Vietnam than in any other country.
You can save a lot of money by living in Vietnam.

How to get paid in France when working remotely for a corporation in Vietnam?

You can get paid in France even if you are working for a company in Vietnam, however , you need to be careful about the tax you are paying. If you are paying tax in France, you need to have a contract with your employer in Vietnam. This contract will specify the amount of your remuneration and the conditions of your employment. It will also specify the amount of your social security contribution. If you are working as an employee of a company, you will be taxed in France only if you are being paid in France. If you are being paid in Vietnam, you will be taxed in France only if you are paying social security contributions.

If you are working as a contractor, you will be taxed in France only if you are being paid in France.
If you are working as a self-employed worker, you will be taxed in France only if you are being paid in France.
If you are being paid in Vietnam, you will be taxed in France only if you are being paid in France.

How do taxes work in France if I’m working remotely for a company France?

When working remotely in France for a firm based in Vietnam, taxes might be tricky, therefore , it’s best to ask your French tax accountant to help you understand the taxes you will have to pay.

When working remotely in France for a firm based in Vietnam, taxes might be tricky, therefore, it’s best to ask your French tax accountant to help you understand the taxes you will have to pay.