Living in France while working in Madagascar

Can I work remotely in France for a company in Madagascar?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. The company has a physical presence in France
  2. The company has a French office
  3. The company has a French address
  4. The company is registered in France
  5. The company has a French VAT number
  6. The company has a French bank account
  7. The company has a French company registration number
  8. The company has a French company name
  9. The company has a French phone number

How can I find a remote job in Madagascar while living in France?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Madagascar even if you are located in France, for that we need to understand the laws that govern the international employment.

There are some very strict laws that apply to the employment of people located in France. This is because the French laws are different from those of the country where the job is located.
If you are an employee, you must be located in France. If you are an employer, you must be located in the country where you hire the employee.
The laws of France are very strict and do not allow the employment of people located in other countries. If you are located in France and you want to find a job in Madagascar, you will need to be careful.
You may not be able to find a job in Madagascar.

How can I get paid in France when working remotely for a company in Madagascar?

It is possible to get paid in France while working for a company in Madagascar but it is not as easy as you may think.

I will give you some tips and tricks on how to get paid in France when working remotely for a company in Madagascar.
This article will be updated as the situation changes.
I am not a lawyer and this article is not a legal advice.
The information provided in this article is based on my experience.
This article is not a substitute for professional advice.

Will I pay taxes in France or Madagascar when working remotely in France?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in France for a corporation in Madagascar, so we’ve put together a simple guide to help you make the most of your time in France.

  1. What taxes do I need to pay when working in France?
    In France, you are subject to French income tax and social security. You are not liable to pay any French taxes when working for a French employer.
    However, if you are working for an employer outside of France, you will need to pay the tax on your income in France.
    The French tax system is based on the following three tiers:
  2. The first tier is the minimum social security contribution (CSG) which is paid by all employees in France.
    The CSG is calculated on a scale of 0-35%, depending on your salary. The minimum CSG rate is 5.6% of your gross income.
  3. The second tier is the “impôt de solidarité sur la fortune” (ISF). This is a tax on the capital gains from your investments, including your property. The ISF is calculated on a scale of 0-35%, depending on the amount of your capital gains. The minimum ISF rate is 0.9% of your capital gains.
  4. The third tier is the “impôt sur la fortune immobilière” (IFI). This is a tax on the capital gains from the sale of your property.