Working in Finland for a corporation in Georgia

Can I work remotely for a company in Georgia while being in Finland?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. Are you allowed to work in the EU?
  2. Is the company based in the EU?
  3. Are you allowed to work in Finland?
  4. Are you allowed to work in Georgia?
  5. Are you allowed to work in the US?
  6. Is the company allowed to hire you?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:
If you are in Finland and want to work in Georgia, you are allowed to work remotely for a company in Georgia.

How to live in Finland and find remote work in Georgia?

Finding remote work in Georgia if you are located in Finland might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to find remote work in Finland first.

The majority of remote jobs in Georgia are located in the big cities. The main cities in Georgia are Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Rustavi.
If you are located in Finland, you can find remote work in Georgia from Finland.
You can find remote work in Georgia from Finland if you are located in Tbilisi, Kutaisi or Rustavi.

How a company in Georgia can send my salary in Finland?

When working remotely for a corporation in Georgia, you salary can be send to Finland but only if the company is registered in Finland.

In the United States, you can send your salary to any country, but in Finland, you can only send it to your own country.
The same rules apply to the United Kingdom.

How can I send my salary to Finland?
If you are working remotely for a company in Georgia, you can send your salary to Finland.
You need to make sure that the company is registered in Finland.
You can check the location of the company in the company’s website.
You can also check the address of the company in the Finnish Tax Administration website.
The company needs to be registered in Finland and the address of the company must be in Finland.
If you are working for a company in Georgia that is registered in Finland, you can send your salary to Finland.
The company needs to be registered in Finland.
The company needs to have a Finnish address.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Finland for a company in Georgia?

If you are working remotely in Finland for a corporation established in Georgia, taxes could seem complicated but in fact it is not.

This article is about taxes when working remotely in Finland for a corporation established in Georgia.
I work remotely in Finland for a company established in Georgia. My company has its headquarters in Georgia.
I am a resident of Finland.
I have a residence in Finland.
I work in Finland for a company that is established in Georgia.
I am working in Finland for a company that is established in Georgia.