Work in Czechia for a company based in Luxembourg

Can I live in Czechia and work remotely for a company in Luxembourg?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. You have to be a citizen of the Czech Republic or Luxembourg.
  2. You have to be a resident of the Czech Republic or Luxembourg.
  3. You have to be a resident of the Czech Republic or Luxembourg for at least 3 years.
  4. You have to be able to prove that you have sufficient funds to support yourself.

How to find remote work in Luxembourg while living in Czechia?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Luxembourg even though you are located in Czechia. For that we need to look for remote jobs in Luxembourg that are not only remote but also suitable for Czech citizens.

So, how to find remote work in Luxembourg while living in Czechia?
The most important thing to keep in mind is that remote work in Luxembourg is not a thing of the past. It is still possible to find remote jobs in Luxembourg for Czech citizens.
However, the key to success is to find a remote job that is not only remote but also suitable for Czech citizens.

How to get paid in Czechia when working remotely for a corporation in Luxembourg?

You can get paid in Czechia even if you are working for a company in Luxembourg, however , you will need to set up a bank account in Czechia and transfer your salary there.

You can get paid in Czechia even if you are working for a company in Luxembourg, however, you will need to set up a bank account in Czechia and transfer your salary there.

How do taxes work in Czechia if I’m working remotely for a company Czechia?

When working remotely in Czechia for a firm based in Luxembourg, taxes might be tricky, therefore , it is important to keep your taxes up to date. Czechia has a flat tax rate of 15%, which is paid on any income earned. It is not possible to deduct expenses from your income and you cannot claim expenses or losses in Czechia.

If you are self-employed in Czechia, you are required to keep a record of your income and expenses, and pay taxes on that income. You are also required to report your income to the Czech tax authority.
If you are working remotely for a company based in Luxembourg, it is likely that your income is taxable in both countries.

What are the tax rates in Czechia?
The tax rates in Czechia are as follows:
Tax Rate
Income from other sources
Corporation tax
Tax on dividends and interest

How do I pay my taxes in Czechia?
If you work for a company based in Czechia, you will need to keep records of your income and expenses and submit them to your employer for tax purposes.
You will need to pay taxes on your salary, income from other sources, and income from dividends and interest.
When you are self-employed, you will need to keep records of your income and expenses and submit them to the Czech tax authority for tax purposes.