Work in Czechia for a corporation based in Estonia

Can I work remotely in Czechia for a company in Estonia?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. Are you allowed to work remotely for a foreign company?
  2. Do you have a residence permit in Estonia?
  3. Do you have a residence permit in Czechia?
  4. Do you have a work permit in Estonia?
  5. Do you have a work permit in Czechia?
  6. Do you have a visa for Estonia?
  7. Do you have a visa for Czechia?
  8. Do you have a visa for your country of origin?
  9. Do you have a visa for the country you want to work in?
  10. Do you have a work contract in Estonia?
  11. Do you have a work contract in Czechia?
  12. Do you have a work contract in your country of origin?

How can I find a remote job in Estonia while living in Czechia?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Estonia even if you are located in Czechia, for that we need to understand the Estonia - Czechia relationships.

Estonia is a small country in the north of Europe. It is a country with a population of just 1.3 million people. The country is divided into two parts, the Estonian part and the Russian part. The Estonian part is the more developed part, with a bigger economy and a bigger population. The Russian part has a bigger population and a bigger economy.
The Estonian economy is growing rapidly and it is expected that the Estonian economy will continue to grow in the coming years. This means that the demand for IT professionals in Estonia is expected to grow. Estonia is a good place for people to live and work, because the country is small and has a very good standard of living.
The Estonian language is Estonian, and it is one of the official languages of the country. Estonian is very similar to Finnish and Swedish. In addition to Estonian, English is also an official language of the country, and many Estonians also speak English.
Czechia is a central European country in the south of Europe. The country is bordered by the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Poland, and Slovakia. The Czech Republic is a country with a population of 10.4 million people. The population of Czechia is growing, and this means that the demand for IT professionals in Czechia is expected to grow.

How can I get paid in Czechia when working remotely for a company in Estonia?

It is possible to get paid in Czechia while working for a company in Estonia but there are a few things that you need to know.

Estonia is a small country located between Sweden and Latvia, and it is not an easy place to work from. The country is very small, so it’s not easy to find a company that will allow you to work from home.
If you’re in Estonia, you will need to have a bank account in Estonia, but you will also need to have a bank account in the Czech Republic, where you will be paid.
If you’re not able to find a company that will pay you in Czechia, you may need to use a service like XE Currency Exchange to convert your salary into Czech crowns.
If you’re a Czech resident working in Estonia, you can use a service like XE Currency Exchange to convert your salary into Estonian kroon.
How to Get Paid in Czechia
However, you will need to have a bank account in Estonia. You can open a bank account in Estonia by visiting a bank branch and filling out an application.

Will I pay taxes in Czechia or Estonia when working remotely in Czechia?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Czechia for a corporation in Estonia, so it’s important to know the tax rules in Czechia and Estonia to avoid any nasty surprises.

Taxes in Czechia
In Czechia, you can be taxed on your salary, but it is less likely that you will be taxed on your income. The Czech Republic is a member of the European Union (EU), so all citizens of EU member states are subject to the same tax laws.
The tax rate in Czechia is 10%, but you can deduct your personal expenses from your taxable income. There is no tax on income from investments.
Taxes in Estonia
Estonia is a member of the European Union, so citizens of EU member states are subject to the same tax laws. The tax rate in Estonia is 20% on your income.
Taxes in the Czech Republic and Estonia
If you live in the Czech Republic and Estonia, then you can be taxed on your salary in either country.
If you are a citizen of the Czech Republic or Estonia, then you are subject to the same tax laws in both countries. If you are a citizen of one of the countries, but are a resident of the other, then you will be subject to tax on your salary in the country of residence.