Live in Croatia while having a job in Angola

Can I work remotely in Croatia for a company in Angola?

Yes it’s perfectly possible, but we advise first to check the following points:

  1. The company in Angola has a legal presence in Croatia?
  2. Do they have a Croatian office or they have a legal presence in Croatia?
  3. Is the company registered in Croatia?
  4. Is the company in Angola a legal entity?
  5. What is the company’s official language?
  6. Are there any special requirements for the company to be able to do business in Croatia?
  7. What is the company’s business area?
  8. How long will it take to get a visa to Angola?
  9. Will you be able to stay in Angola for more than three months?
  10. Is there a possibility of you getting a work permit in Angola?
  11. What is the minimum monthly salary in Angola?
  12. Is the company you will be working for in Angola registered in Angola?
  13. Is the company registered in Angola?

How can I find a remote job in Angola while living in Croatia?

When things work out well, it’s possible to find remote jobs in Angola even if you are located in Croatia, for that we have a special section for you.

We have been searching for a remote job in Angola for more than 6 months now and we can tell you that it is not easy to find a remote job in Angola.
In fact, it is very hard to find a remote job in Angola and you have to be very careful when you are searching for a remote job in Angola.
If you want to find a remote job in Angola, you have to be very careful and you have to be very careful when you are searching for a remote job in Angola.
You have to be very careful when you are searching for a remote job in Angola because the Angolan government is very strict with the people who want to work in Angola.
They want to make sure that you are going to work in Angola and not to go there to live there.

How can I get paid in Croatia when working remotely for a company in Angola?

It is possible to get paid in Croatia while working for a company in Angola but there are some things that you have to know before you can get paid in Croatia.

How to get paid in Croatia when working for a company in Angola
How can I get paid in Croatia when working for a company in Angola?
It is possible to get paid in Croatia while working for a company in Angola, but it is not easy.
If you are a freelancer working from home and you need to get paid in Croatia while working for a company in Angola, then you can get paid in Croatia by using a foreign bank account.
This is the most common way for freelancers to get paid in Croatia, but you will need to find a bank that will allow you to deposit money into their account and then allow you to transfer money to a bank account in Croatia.
There are many different companies that offer this service, and you can find them all in this article.

What is a foreign bank account?
A foreign bank account is a bank account that is outside of your country.
The reason why you would want to have a foreign bank account is because it allows you to get paid in Croatia from a bank account that is outside of your country.

Will I pay taxes in Croatia or Angola when working remotely in Croatia?

Taxes can be complicated when working remotely in Croatia for a corporation in Angola, so we will explain the process and what you should know.

What is the difference between a company in Croatia and a company in Angola?
A company in Croatia is a legal entity, while a company in Angola is a juridical person. A company in Angola is a juridical person which is a company in Croatia.

Can I be taxed in Croatia or Angola?
Yes, you can be taxed in Croatia or Angola.
Yes, you will pay taxes in Croatia or Angola.