Live in Chile while having a job in Qatar

Can I live in Chile and work remotely for a company in Qatar?

Yes, it is possible, however we usually recommend double-checking the following points:

  1. The company you want to work for is located in a country that is not listed as a “free” country in the Expat Guide.
  2. The company you want to work for is not registered in a tax haven, such as Panama, or a country with low tax rates.
  3. The company you want to work for is not registered in a country that does not allow its citizens to work in that country.
  4. The company you want to work for does not have an office in the country where you want to work.
  5. You are not registered in a country that does not allow its citizens to work in that country.

How to find remote work in Qatar while living in Chile?

Usually, it is feasible to get remote jobs in Qatar even though you are located in Chile. For that we need to be careful about our online presence. We need to have a good presence in the web. This is the reason why we need to have a good website. We also need to have a good social media accounts. So, we can get more people to know about our company.

First, we need to have a good website. We need to have a good website. We need to have a good social media accounts.

How to get paid in Chile when working remotely for a corporation in Qatar?

You can get paid in Chile even if you are working for a company in Qatar, however , you will need to pay the corporate tax in Chile.

Here are some of the ways to get paid in Chile:

  1. Paypal
    You can transfer money from your Paypal account to your Chilean bank account.
  2. Wire Transfer
    You can transfer money from your bank account to your Chilean bank account.
  3. ACH Transfer
  4. Paypal and Wire Transfer
    You can transfer money from your Paypal account to your Chilean bank account and also transfer money from your Chilean bank account to your Paypal account.
  5. PayPal and Wire Transfer

How do taxes work in Chile if I’m working remotely for a company Chile?

When working remotely in Chile for a firm based in Qatar, taxes might be tricky, therefore , it is important to understand the Chilean tax system and the rules that apply to you.

Chilean taxes are based on a combination of the Chilean tax rate, the residence of the taxpayer, and the nature of the work being carried out.
Tax rates for Chile
The Chilean tax system is based on a combination of two rates, the general rate and the value-added tax rate. The general rate is a flat rate of 16.5% on all income, while the VAT rate is a fixed rate of 15% on all goods and services.
The general rate is applied to all income earned in Chile. The VAT rate is applied to all goods and services, except for services provided to Chilean companies.
Income earned in Chile
Chilean income tax is applied to all income earned in Chile, regardless of whether the income is earned in Chile or abroad.