Work in Burkina Faso for a company based in Monaco

Can I work remotely for a company in Monaco while being in Burkina Faso?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. The company you work for is based in Monaco, but has offices in Burkina Faso
  2. You are in Burkina Faso on a long term basis, and not just for a few months
  3. You are not a resident of Monaco

It is doable, but you have to check the following key points first:
I would recommend to check the following key points first:
Yes you can work remotely for a company in Monaco while being in Burkina Faso.

How to live in Burkina Faso and find remote work in Monaco?

Finding remote work in Monaco if you are located in Burkina Faso might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to move to Monaco first.

If you want to live in Burkina Faso and work remotely in Monaco, you need to have a good internet connection.
You will need a stable internet connection, a laptop, a smartphone, a good computer, a good internet connection, a good router and a good ADSL modem.
If you are living in Burkina Faso, you can buy a good ADSL modem for a very low price.
If you are living in Monaco, you can buy a good ADSL modem for a very high price.

How a company in Monaco can send my salary in Burkina Faso?

When working remotely for a corporation in Monaco, you salary can be send to Burkina Faso but the process is not that easy.

It’s important to know that the company in Monaco can send my salary in Burkina Faso, but the process is not that easy.
I will explain how to get your salary in Burkina Faso and how you can get your salary in Burkina Faso.
The process of getting your salary in Burkina Faso is quite simple.
You just need to register with the local tax office and the company in Monaco will send your salary in Burkina Faso.
If you want to know how to get your salary in Burkina Faso, read this article.
How to get my salary in Burkina Faso
This is the process of getting your salary in Burkina Faso.
You will need to register with the local tax office.
You will need to have a company in Monaco.
You will need to have a bank account in Burkina Faso.
You will need to have a bank account in Monaco.
You will need to have a company in Burkina Faso.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Burkina Faso for a company in Monaco?

If you are working remotely in Burkina Faso for a corporation established in Monaco, taxes could seem complicated but in fact , it is not. The reality is that most of the companies established in Monaco are small and have limited activity. So, the company is not liable to pay any taxes in Burkina Faso. But, if you work remotely for a company established in Burkina Faso, you should know that you are required to pay taxes in Burkina Faso.

If you work remotely in Burkina Faso for a corporation established in Monaco, taxes could seem complicated but in fact, it is not.