Work in Austria for a company based in Spain

Can I work remotely for a company in Spain while being in Austria?

It is usually doable, but we recommand to check the following key points first:

  1. The company is located in Spain, and you work for them.
  2. You are in Austria and the company is located in Spain.
  3. The company is located in Austria and you work for them.

If the company is located in Spain, and you work for them, then it is usually possible to work remotely.
If you are in Austria and the company is located in Spain, then you can work remotely.
If you are in Austria and the company is located in Austria, then it is usually not possible to work remotely.
If the company is located in Austria and you work for them, then it is usually not possible to work remotely.

How to live in Austria and find remote work in Spain?

Finding remote work in Spain if you are located in Austria might be difficult, therefore we recommend you to move to Spain. In this article, we will tell you how to live in Austria and find remote work in Spain.

We are a remote team of professionals from different parts of the world. We work from different locations. We are not only working remotely, but we are also living remotely.
We all work from home.

If you are located in Austria, you might be wondering how to live in Austria and find remote work in Spain.

How a company in Spain can send my salary in Austria?

When working remotely for a corporation in Spain, you salary can be send to Austria but you must have a bank account in Austria.

You need to have a bank account in Austria because you need to receive your salary via the bank transfer.
You can open a bank account in Austria for a very low amount of money. You just need to have €100 to €200 in your account.
Once you open your bank account in Austria, you can start receiving your salary in Austria.
You can do this by following these steps:
Go to the Austrian bank’s website and click on the “Open an account” button. You will need to fill in the necessary details.
You will need to fill in the following details:
Date of birth
Bank account number
After you fill in the required details, you will need to upload a copy of your passport or ID.

Where to pay my taxes when working remotely in Austria for a company in Spain?

If you are working remotely in Austria for a corporation established in Spain, taxes could seem complicated but in fact there are some simple things you need to know.

The tax system in Spain is based on a dual system, which means that the national and regional governments have their own tax system.
In the national system, the taxes are based on the place of residence of the taxpayer.
In the regional system, the taxes are based on the place of residence of the company.
As we have a dual system, the taxes are not always the same and depend on the place of residence.
The National taxes
In the case of a resident, the taxes are based on the place of residence of the taxpayer.
The tax base is determined by the place of residence and is based on the place where the taxpayer has his or her permanent residence.
The place of residence is defined as the place where the taxpayer has his or her domicile.
A domicile is the place where a person has his or her permanent residence and where he or she has the intention of returning after a temporary absence.
The place of residence can be changed and can be established at any time.
The tax base is determined by the place of residence of the taxpayer and is based on the place where the taxpayer has his or her permanent residence.