Working remotely at Coca-Cola

Does Coca-Cola allow remote workers?

The company has a “No remote working” policy, but it’s not very clear what that means.

How to Find a Job at a Startup or Small Business How to Find a Job at a Startup or Small Business September 17, 2020
The best way to get a job at a startup or small business is to know where to look.

Can Coca-Cola employees work remotely?

We asked an expert on remote work and the benefits of remote work.

When it comes to remote work, we’re not talking about telecommuting. We’re talking about working from home, or anywhere else that’s convenient for you.
According to a survey by FlexJobs, an online job board, more than half of Americans are working remotely at least some of the time. That’s a big number, and it’s growing.
While remote work has become more common, it’s still not as common as traditional office work.

What companies work fully remote?

We’ve had a number of people ask us what companies are fully remote. So, we thought we’d share some of our favorites.

Note: We don’t have a list of fully remote companies, but we do have a list of companies that allow remote work. We’ll be adding to this list over time.
Here’s a list of companies that allow 100% remote work, with the ability to work from anywhere in the world.
We’ve also created a list of companies that allow remote work, but do not allow 100% remote work.
Please note: this list is not exhaustive. If you know of a company that is fully remote, please let us know in the comments!
Fully remote companies

  1. Basecamp
    Basecamp is a project management software. They allow you to manage projects and tasks, and collaborate with other team members. You can create projects, tasks, and work on the tasks from anywhere.
  2. Buffer
    Buffer is a social media scheduling tool. They allow you to schedule posts for your social media accounts, and you can also schedule posts to appear on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  3. CreativeLive
    CreativeLive is a video production and learning platform. They allow you to create video courses and live streams, and you can also create video courses.